How Do I Grow Spiritually?

This is one of the questions submitted in our Questions for God worship series. A second part of the question simply asked, “Are there coaches?” These are important and honest questions. They speak to the inner nudge that there is something more to faith than going through the motions of religion, and we need help to go deeper. So I want to address these questions on a number of levels.

First, all of this begins with God. I believe that the inner desire to grow spiritually is something that God places within every person. We are made by God and for God (in God’s image). That means that to be fully human, we need to be connected to God.  That stirring within is prompted by God’s Spirit calling us to God. We often do a good job of hiding that inner nudge through our busyness, wealth, popularity, etc.  Yet, any serious consideration of growing spiritually begins with that nudge from God. 

Next, growing spiritually will require a response from us. God never imposes his will on us. We are all free to choose or reject God. Yet, if we choose God and want to grow spiritually (for that is what spiritual growth is, growing into God’s image), then we have to give ourselves to it. It can’t be half way. We have to make spiritual growth a priority and give it time, energy, and attention. It can’t be something to do if there is time left over. God will help us grow, but we have to put ourselves in places where God’s spirit can do just that: worship, communion, study, small groups, service to those in need, standing up for the oppressed, and so forth.

Last, we need other people. This is why I think small groups are so important.   People in such groups become our friends, our peers, our mentors and our guides. If you are not part of a small group or a covenant group, find one … it will help your spiritual life come alive. As a runner, the hardest workouts I do, I typically do with other people. This is true in my spiritual life as well. We need to share the journey, and the work, with other like-minded people.

Unlike athletics, spiritual growth is not measured in wins, speed or strength. It is sometimes harder to see. Maturing in love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control are the yardsticks we use. These are signs that the Holy Spirit is living and growing in us. How do we grow spiritually? By answering that inner nudge, giving spirituality priority in our lives, and then looking for others with whom to share the journey. 

Together, we are the hands and feet of Christ!

