Make God's Love Visible

On this anniversary of the tragedy of September 11, 2001, these are the words that come to mind … MAKE GOD’S LOVE VISIBLE! On this day when we and people around the world continue to see and experience unspeakable cruelty, these are the words that we must hear … MAKE GOD’S LOVE VISIBLE!

Thirteen years ago, the images that we recall are signs of hate and evil: fire, smoke, falling buildings. But don’t forget the images of God’s love made visible. Police officers and firefighters rescuing victims, people praying across faith traditions, people donating blood, strangers assisting one another, and petty disagreements set aside for a greater purpose. I don’t minimize the pain, the suffering, or the evil of the day, but amidst that I see God’s love made visible. 

Isn’t that what God did through Jesus? God entered into the pain, brokenness, suffering and evil of life: the incarnation of God’s love into a fragile world. Jesus made God’s love visible. His weapons were not swords and shields, but radical love and unexpected forgiveness. His life was was extravagant compassion and a challenging call to live deeper. Even on the day of his crucifixion, Jesus refused to let go of his mission to make God’s love visible. He forgave his executioners even though they didn’t ask for it. He chose to show them love.

As we remember September 11 and live in a world of new violence and cruelty (even in America), we can easily feel paralyzed or overcome by anger and fear. Fortunately, we don’t have to live that way. We can do something meaningful, grace-filled, and maybe even unexpected! We can be a blessing to others, say a prayer, forgive somebody, or serve somebody in need! We can make God’s love visible. And in doing so, we will take a powerful stand against terrorism, hate, prejudice, violence, cruelty and evil in whatever forms they present themselves. We will just be doing it the way Jesus did. And one person at a time, the world will begin to change!

Together we are the hands and the feet of Jesus,

