Run for Cover...It's Stewardship Time, Again!

This is the season when churches begin talking about finances, giving, and pledges for the church for the coming year.  I have heard more than one person in and outside the church say critically, “it seems like they only want my money” or “when will this sermon series be over.!”   NOW...before you do anything rash, like quickly closing this link because you fear it is another shameless attempt to get money from you...I beg your patience.  I will not finish this article with a plea or a pledge card...I promise. 

Some of the critics have been CORRECT!    There are way too many examples of churches making shameless asks for money to simply have good things for themselves, or so that the preacher can drive a fancy car, or any number of reasons.  Some congregations have been told if you give money to the church, you will get lots of great stuff in your life - various versions of the “Prosperity Gospel”.  As a Christian and as a pastor, I too have been turned off by such things and frankly think it is time they stop.  We can be so much more than this!   

I think the problem, though, is that we too quickly define generosity towards the Church by its worst examples.  Churches trying to live out the heart of Jesus in the world don’t want generosity in order to have great things for themselves, they want it share with others, to make a difference in the world:  to feed the hungry, care for the broken, to comfort the grieving, to offer classrooms that engage youth and shape children, to provide warm, clean and updated buildings to welcome the lonely stranger from a hard and often un-welcoming world, to share beauty through things like music and art.  That is our calling, not to accumulate nice things for our own enjoyment.  In fact, I think Jesus told a story about accumulating things in a self-focused manner (see Luke 12:15-21). 

So in this article, I simply invite you to see giving to the church (whatever church you are a part of) in a new its best examples, rather than its worst.  Give intentionally and faithfully, but with the expectation that your giving will go towards building God’s Kingdom both inside and outside the church walls. have a right to expect the same from us as pastors and church leaders.  Together, then, as the family of Jesus, God will do amazing things through our churches...and through you!

You are the hands and feet of Christ!

