A Prayer For Memorial Day 2012

A Prayer for Memorial Day 2012

God of all nations and peoples, we come to you this Memorial Day with thankful hearts.  We know that so many of the rights and freedoms that we enjoy, often without notice, were earned by others.  It is on this weekend that we pause to remember those who have died in service of country, those who have given everything for the ideal that all people are created by God and all people should live free.   May something of their courage, honor, sense of sacrifice and service be born within us too!  For we know that there have been too many empty dinner tables, too many children without parents, too many parents without their children.  Our lives and our freedom have not come without cost.

We also remember those who have served and come home.  For even though they returned to a life that was familiar, the war will never leave them, scars within will never allow life to be the same.  We pray for those who continue to fight the war in their hearts, minds, and souls.  May we honor their service by our love and care!  We pray for those who are in service now, as well as their families.  We remember that many today still dedicate themselves to the same ideals of sacrifice and service on behalf of others.  Generations ahead will live in freedom and peace because of the service of many today. 

We remember today, as well, all of the peacemakers who have died to make the dream of the ancient prophets come true, those who have preached and prayed for a time when there will be no war or fighting among your children; people like Martin Luther King, Jr. and so many others.  With the boldness of Jesus, we pray too, even for those we call enemy, for this is what you have instructed us to do.  We pray for the healing of homes and families far away from here where there are also empty dinner tables, children growing up without parents and parents who now live in grief. 

So it is with thankful hearts that we come to you this Memorial Day weekend, oh God.  In our gratitude, we do not glorify or celebrate war.  We know that your heart breaks to see your children so divided.  But rather, we stand on the shoulders of those who have given everything for others, for us, and we pray for the prophets dreams to come true, when swords will become plowshares, spears will become pruning hooks….and there will be no more empty dinner tables, and no children left parentless from war.  Then we shall know a life of true freedom based on your love. 

In your name we pray Jesus.

